satellite in space

Parts of satellite and their functions

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A satellite is an object that orbits around a larger celestial body, such as a planet or a moon. In the context of space technology, a satellite refers to an artificial object that is intentionally placed into orbit around the Earth. Satellites serve various purposes, including communication, weather monitoring, scientific research, navigation, and surveillance.

parts of satellite

Satellites are composed of several key parts, each playing a specific role in their functionality. Here are the main components of a satellite:

  1. Outer Structure: The outer structure of a satellite is typically a cylindrical or box-like shape. It provides protection to the internal components from the harsh conditions of space, such as extreme temperatures, radiation, micrometeoroids, and vacuum.
  2. Power System: Satellites require a power source to operate their systems. They typically use solar panels to convert sunlight into electricity. The solar panels are usually mounted on the satellite’s body and generate electricity to charge onboard batteries. In some cases, satellites may also use radioisotope thermoelectric generators (RTGs) that convert the heat generated by the radioactive decay of isotopes into electricity.
  3. Antennas: Satellites use antennas to transmit and receive signals. They can be designed for various purposes, such as communication antennas for relaying signals between ground stations or user devices, or scientific antennas for collecting data from the environment.
  4. Payload: The payload refers to the primary equipment or instruments carried by a satellite to perform its intended mission. For communication satellites, the payload consists of transponders that receive signals from the ground and retransmit them to another location, enabling communication over large distances. Weather satellites have payloads that include cameras and sensors to observe and gather data about Earth’s atmosphere and weather patterns.
  5. Communication Subsystem: This subsystem includes the components responsible for transmitting and receiving signals to and from Earth. It consists of modems, transponders, amplifiers, and other necessary equipment for signal processing, encoding, decoding, and relaying.
  6. Control and Attitude Determination System: Satellites need systems to control their orientation and movements in space. This includes attitude determination sensors (such as gyroscopes, magnetometers, and sun sensors) to determine the satellite’s position and attitude, as well as thrusters or reaction wheels to adjust its orientation and maintain stability.
  7. Onboard Computers: Satellites are equipped with onboard computers that control their operations, process data, execute commands, and manage various subsystems. These computers are programmed with specialized software to handle the specific tasks of the satellite.
  8. Thermal Control System: Satellites operate in extreme temperature variations, from extreme cold in shadowed areas to intense heat when exposed to the Sun. The thermal control system consists of insulation, heat sinks, radiators, and heaters to regulate and maintain the temperature within the satellite’s operational limits.
  9. Telemetry, Tracking, and Command Systems (TT&C): These systems allow ground operators to communicate with and monitor the satellite. TT&C systems enable the transmission of commands to the satellite, reception of telemetry data (such as status information, sensor readings, and health diagnostics), and tracking the satellite’s position and orbit.

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