Programming languages have played a crucial role in shaping the world of computing.
History of programming was the First Language Assembly Language

The first programming language is widely considered to be “Assembly Language,” although some might argue that it was “Plankalkül” (a programming language designed by Konrad Zuse in the 1940s), which was not implemented at the time and thus did not have a practical impact.
Assembly Language:

Created in: The concept of assembly language dates back to the late 1940s and early 1950s when the first electronic computers were being developed.
Inventor: Assembly language is not attributed to a single person but rather emerged as a natural progression from machine code, the lowest-level programming language understood by computers.
Specifications: Assembly language is specific to each computer architecture and represents a symbolic representation of the machine code instructions. It uses mnemonics to represent individual machine instructions, making it easier for humans to read and write compared to raw machine code. Each instruction in assembly language typically corresponds to a specific machine instruction executed by the computer’s CPU.
It’s important to note that Assembly Language is not a high-level programming language like modern languages such as Python or Java. Instead, it is closely tied to the hardware architecture of the computer and requires a deep understanding of the underlying machine code and computer architecture to program effectively. As a result, it’s challenging to write complex programs directly in assembly language, and it’s mainly used for low-level system programming and optimization purposes.
Throughout the history of computing, various high-level programming languages were developed to provide more abstraction and ease of programming for developers. FORTRAN (1957) and LISP (1958) were among the earliest high-level programming languages, and they played significant roles in shaping the future of programming languages.

Evolution of Programming Languages: A Timeline
Programming languages have played a crucial role in shaping the world of computing. Here’s a look at some of the most influential programming languages and their years of introduction:
📜 1950s – The Dawn of Programming
- Fortran (1957): The first high-level programming language, designed for scientific computing.
- Lisp (1958): One of the oldest languages still in use today, known for its symbolic processing.
- COBOL (1959): Developed for business data processing and still in use in financial systems.
🚀 1960s – The Expansion Era
- ALGOL 60 (1960): Introduced structured programming concepts.
- BASIC (1964): Made programming accessible to beginners and students.
- PL/I (1964): Aimed at combining scientific and business programming.
- APL (1964): Known for its concise syntax and mathematical capabilities.
- SIMULA (1967): The first object-oriented programming language, laying the groundwork for OOP.
💡 1970s – The Rise of Modern Computing
- C (1972): A foundational language for operating systems and system programming.
- Prolog (1972): A logic programming language, widely used in AI.
- Smalltalk (1972): Popularized object-oriented programming.
- SQL (1974): The standard language for managing and querying databases.
🔥 1980s – The Era of Efficiency
- C++ (1983): Extended C with object-oriented programming features.
- Objective-C (1984): Became the core language for Apple’s macOS and iOS development.
- Eiffel (1985): Introduced design-by-contract principles.
- Perl (1987): Known for its flexibility in text processing and scripting.
🌍 1990s – The Internet Revolution
- Python (1991): Designed for readability and simplicity, now a leading language in AI and data science.
- Ruby (1995): Focuses on simplicity and productivity.
- Java (1995): “Write once, run anywhere” philosophy, dominant in enterprise applications.
- JavaScript (1995): The backbone of modern web development.
- PHP (1995): A powerful server-side language for web applications.
- Delphi (1995): An evolution of Object Pascal, known for rapid application development.
🔷 2000s – The Rise of New Paradigms
- C# (2000): Developed by Microsoft, popular in enterprise software and game development.
🚀 2010s – The Future is Here
- Rust (2010): Focuses on memory safety and performance.
- Kotlin (2011): A modern, expressive language, now the preferred language for Android development.
- Swift (2014): Apple’s powerful and intuitive programming language for iOS and macOS development.
Mojo, a programming language for artificial intelligence, was created by Modular Inc. and became available through web browsers in May 2023. This language has the capability to execute certain Python programs, and its developers have multiple objectives to enhance Mojo’s functionality.